My Grammar

Student Absences


Students are expected to attend school and participate fully in all school activities from 8.15am – 2.55pm in Prep to Year 6. Occasionally absences occur and parents are asked to follow these procedures:

Absences due to illness or unexpected family or personal problems:

Please use the below absentee form to advise the School if your child will be absent, or alternatively phone the absentee line on (07) 3454 4415, prior to 9.00am each morning of your child’s absence.

For frequent periods of absence, or if an illness is ongoing, the School may require medical certificates.

Absence for part of a day

If a student needs to leave school early for reasons such as a medical or dental appointment, a written request from parents must be given to the Junior Grammar receptionist after roll call that day. An exeat slip (permission form) will be issued by the Head of Junior School, permitting the student to be absent for the specified period.

Absence for personal or social reasons

If a parent would like their child to be absent for reasons such as holidays outside the standard period or family visiting from overseas, an application is to be made to the Head of Junior School or the Principal in writing before the required date. The Head of Junior School or the Principal will then make contact to discuss the matter.